
The Analytics page provides insights into the performance of product recommendations in your store. It offers a range of data points and visualizations to help you understand user interactions and opt


  1. Date Range Selector

    • Use the drop-down menu to select the time period for which you want to view analytics data. Options include the past 7 days, past month, etc.

  2. Key Metrics

    • Product Similar + Bundles Shown: Total number of product recommendations and bundles shown to users within the selected date range.

    • Total Products Clicked: Number of recommended products that were clicked by users.

    • Products Added to Cart: Number of recommended products that were added to the shopping cart.

    • Unique Users: Number of unique users who interacted with the recommended products.

  3. Analytics Graph

    • General Usage: A visual representation of user interactions with recommended products over the selected date range.

    • Data Points: The graph displays three key metrics:

      • Products Shown (Purple): Number of product recommendations shown to users.

      • Products Clicked (Red): Number of times users clicked on recommended products.

      • Products Added to Cart (Green): Number of times recommended products were added to the cart.

    • Legend: Located at the bottom of the graph, indicating the color coding for each metric.

Usage Tips

  • Analyze the Total Products Clicked and Products Added to Cart to assess the effectiveness of your product recommendations.

  • Monitor the Unique Users metric to understand user engagement and reach.

  • Use the insights from the Analytics Graph to identify trends and make data-driven decisions for improving product recommendations.

Last updated