Similar Products

Why Discoverist Similar Products?

Discoverist Similar Products extension dynamically selects products from your catalog based on customer shopping behavior and product context.

Below is an example of how the Similar Products section might look on your product pages.

Steps to add the similar extension manually

Step 1

1. Click on Sales channel

2. Then click on Online Store

3. Then click on Themes.

4 Finally, click on the Customize button.

Step 2

Navigate to any product page in the theme editor. Any product will do.

IMPORTANT: Ensure you are on a Product Page.

1. Scroll to the location where you want to the products to show and then click on, Add Section button.

2. In the popup, click Apps.

3. Click on Discoverist Similar Products.

This will add the Similar Products extension to your product page.

Step 3

1. Make changes to the section heading if you would like.

2. Click on the Save button.

Step 4

View any product on your page to see the dynamically generated, similar products!

Last updated