
Guide to setup Discoverist AI Recomendation app to your shopify store

  1. Download and Install the App

    • Click Here to Install the "Discoverist AI Recommendations" app.

    • Click on the app and select "Install."

  1. Access the Discoverist Dashboard

    • After installation, you will be redirected to the Discoverist Dashboard.

  2. Select a Subscription Plan

    • On the Dashboard, review the available subscription plans.

    • Choose the plan that best fits your needs.

  1. Onboard

    • After successful payment of your subscription plan, you will be taken to the onboard page

    • Here fill in your basic store information and click submit to create your store.

  1. Initiate Product Synchronization

    • After selecting your subscription plan, you will be taken to the Product Sync page.

    • The product synchronization process should start automatically.

    • In future, if you want to resync your products come back to Data Center page and click on Sync Products Now Button.

  1. Completion of Synchronization

    • The product synchronization process typically takes approximately one hour to complete.

    • Once completed, you can start utilizing the Discoverist AI Recommendations for your products.

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please refer to the app's help documentation or contact Discoverist support.

Last updated